On april 12th of 1976, Anne Rice released the first of 13 novels in her The Vampire Chronicles (TVC) series, Interview With The Vampire (IWTV). The book became a bestseller. 9 years later, she released a sequel, The Vampire Lestat, a soft reboot and what truly initiated the series. In 1994 the first book was adapted into film by Neil Jordan, starring Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, and Kirsten Dunst, among others. There have been lots of other adaptations of TVC, including the 2022 TV show which will be the focus of this page, though I will probably talk about a little bit of everything. I hope you enjoy learning about my current favorite thing! :)






So... I would like to start this section off by saying I do not like Anne Rice as a person like at all, I won't get into it as I mostly want this page to stay positive, but she's done so many things that I just... despise. Including but not limited to some of the things in her books. But because I'm hyperfixated on IWTV, I'm also extremely interested in the books and how her life influenced her writing, but I couldn't in good conscience imply that I actually... like them? Or agree with anything? I mean, I do like the books, but only to an extent. Something something "reading IWTV on the bus and shaking my head to make sure the people know I don't agree with white Louis" HAHA. It's hard to explain. Just know I really don't approve, I acknowledge the harm that Anne and her books might have or have caused, and am in no way promoting uncritical consumption of them.

Also this won't be very in depth as I am nowhere near finished reading TVC yet. Once I get further along I may come back and make another text going deeper, but as I said, there are 13 books, and that's a lot to cover, so I probably will just stick to this.

Now! Onto the actual text!

still a wip. sorry.


Very funny story actually. To me, at least; which is why I wanted to tell it. If I remember correctly I'd heard of the show about a year before I got into it, shortly after it came out, but didn't watch it because I was 14 and the show was 18+, and I like to think I've always been a little bit responsible when it comes to what I watch HAHA. I remember one time, about 6 months before I watched it, I saw a video on tiktok of a girl giving vampire book recommendations, among them were the first 3 books in TVC, and I saved it because I recognized the title of the show. Little did I know in a short while I would be like... literally consumed by it ^_^

Anyway, from 2021 to 2023 I was active on stan twitter, more specifically cartoontwt. Yes, awful, I know. That's why I left. I'm a survivor, dear reader HAHAHA. But I had this one mutual whose special interest (one of them, at least) was vampires! She was a big fan of the show, and that got me curious, so one day, (January 5th 2024, I remember it exactly because I had a party on the same day. We'll get to that, it's the funny part.) I decided, "Oh, well, I don't have anything to watch at the moment, might as well watch the gay vampire show that fang likes!"... So I watched episode 1. And Jesus fucking Christ. I WAS ENAMOURED! I don't even remember if I actually even finished watching episode 1 before I realized I had to leave for that party, but the damage had been DONE! I don't even remember what I did at that party other than the fact that I told literally everyone I talked to to watch the show. My conversations went a bit like this

M: So, are you watching any tv shows lately?

Whoever I'm talking to: Nah, not really.

M: Well, I am! Have you heard of Interview With The Vampire? It's so good. You should watch it!

Whoever: I don't really watch shows. I prefer movies.

M: There's also a movie! I haven't seen it yet but it has Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt hahaha, can you imagine? Them as gay vampires? I think I'll like the show better though because- *begins to infodump about the only episode I've seen*

I'll be honest, reader, I haven't seen any of those people in months nor do I really want to but I hope they remembered my show recommendation... sigh. Anyway, after that it quickly became one of my long-term hyperfixations, it's like one of the things I think about the most daily at the moment (17/09/24), and... yeah. I love it a lot.

more to be added soon!
