blog entry 1 - 20/09/24


so, this is a really tiny announcement; i'm gonna be taking some time off from this site to focus on my new iwtv fansite (i'll link the url on this page once it's a bit more "done" because it's really not useable rn. and i'll also link it as my iwtv shrine on the shrines page!). very inspired by transbro's mbav shrine (you are so cool!!) + (a lush fansite. i heart lush)!! once i'm kind of happy with it's layout i'm gonna come back here and fix my code because... readers you have no idea how awful it is... so yeah see you in a few days. OH AND I FINALLY FIGURED OUT DIVS!!! THANK FUCK!!! really wasn't that hard tbh idk what i was going on about.

general life updates:

starting school again sigh...

started watching hotd. that show is crazy i hate literally everyone except helaena (i'm still on s1 so i might regret this statement but...). some definitely more than others though.

starting theatre in a bit :) super hyped

dyeing my hair soon!! probably blue or turquoise

ummmm that's basically it thanks for reading!!
